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Character Sheets
Character sheets are where information about your character is stored. You character's stats, backstory and more are a part of the sheet. In Quest Portal you can create two types of character sheets: 1) Universal sheet that can be adapted to any system you want to play. 2) Fully supported Call of Cthulhu 7th edition character sheet.
How to use Character Sheets
There are two types of character sheets available in Quest Portal at the moment: Universal sheets and Call of Cthulhu 7e sheets.
When you create a character you are asked to pick what type you want for the character and that sheet is attached to the character.
Universal sheets
Quest Portal supports most systems through Universal sheets. At the heart of these sheets lies our powerful Notes editor that allows you to create elements like headings, paragraphs, lists, checkboxes, tables, roll buttons and more. If you want to play Mörk Borg you can simply setup your sheet following the character sheet template you'd get in a PDF sheet.
The editor allows you to create the following elements in your character sheet:
- Headings level 1, 2, 3
- Paragraphs
- Tables
- Checkboxes
- Lists
- Dividers
- Callout box
- Roll buttons
Additionally, you can format the text by applying bolding, italics and more.
For a full list of features and abilities checkout our Notes tool.
Call of Cthulhu sheets
Quest Portal has full support for the 7th edition of Call of Cthulhu. This means the characters sheets are styled and layed out to support playing this system. You will notice the main difference being the UI and layout and that you can't customize the layout.
On the Call of Cthulhu character sheet you can click on abilities, skills and more to roll our 3D dice. The roll results are then shown in a roll announcement and the degree of success/failure is shown.
For a more detailed insight into the Call of Cthulhu character sheets, checkout our overview.