Jan 6, 2025
New Year, New Bug Hunt

New Year, New Bug Hunt
Happy New Year Questers!
If this is the first time back from before the festive breaks, you might have noticed some HUGE changes - we have a rad new starter Checklist that acts as a tutorial to get you started making campaigns and making characters, we redesigned the home screen a little with recently plated and all character sheets now have tabs that can be renamed and hidden, including the General tab, and including the Call of Cthulhu sheets, which now look more like our standard character sheets.
The last working week of last year was to work hard to party hard over the festive season. Now, it’s time for a New Year’s Bug Hunt!
The Devs are out there crushing bugs left, right and centre this week. If you spot anything that behaves oddly, feel free to hit the Report A Bug option on the web browser, or shake to report on the mobile. (Go to turn this feature on, go to settings, toggle Shake to Report on).
Next week, we will return to our regularly scheduled Quality of Life improvements, Generate Character polishing and new feature creation. Very hype for this, but first, our maintenance chores need to be done!
Big Changes last 2 weeks:
- [Pro Improvement] AI Notes can now generate widgets
- [Pro Improvement] Generate Character generation improved.
- [Improvement] Roll announcements for Extreme Successes no longer squash character avatars
- [Improvement] General Tab on Character Sheets can be renamed, hidden, or deleted.
- [Improvement] When popping out a Note (Right click on the word Note to open a new window), the contents are 100% width.
- [Improvement] Fix issues with roll buttons not being draggable after duplicating a roll button.
- [Improvement] Updated Call of Cthulhu Sheet pop overs and scrolling affecting editing.
- [Improvement] Call of Cthulhu Weapon damages updated and/or corrected.
- [Improvement] Collections Widget - copy and pasting the widget between Notes in different campaigns, no longer breaks the roll buttons.
- [Improvement] Collections Widget - some cells became unresponsive after copy and pasting, this is now fixed.
- [Improvement] Map scrolling with touchpad or scroll wheel now smoother and slower paced.
- [Feature] Checklists for GMs and Players to get started on Quest Portal.
- [Feature] Roll buttons in Private Notes, roll hidden into the chat, viewable only by GM and Note owner.
- [Content] All Creator Profiles have attribution information.
- [Content] All Quest Portal featured templates now include all the features available to Notes, a hidden tab, simplified to less tabs and massaged to help Generate Character produce better results.
- [Content] Call of Cthulhu 7e Enhanced sheets now have tabs, allow renaming and hidden status.
- [Content] Homescreen updated to include Checklists as well as reorganization of links and options.
- [Content] Yet Another RPG that Died - YARD Starter PL released. Play YARD in Polish today with the starter rules and the featured Character Sheet.
- [Mobile] Fixed issue where having modifiers would trigger vertical scroll to be enabled.
- [Social] Find the Quick Start tutorials in our Youtube playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLnY62MuHbpHKMSAUYBpfj0_0QqjjTAdNP