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Dec 1, 2024  ·  7 min read

We've got secrets... - December 2024 Newsletter

December 2024 Newsletter

Hello Questers!

The table is laden with gifts that have your name on it.
What do you do?

This month, especially these last two weeks in fact, have been bursting with improvements, new features and library additions - so many that it’s hard to know where to even start. But start we shall! Get ready for a special bumper edition of the Quest Portal Newsletter.

The Quick Breakdown

  • Features added: Drawing Tools, Hidden Tabs, Export Call of Cthulhu 7e as PDF.
  • Mobile App Additions: Session Tools, Move players between Scenes.
  • Sneak Peek: Generate Character Sheets.
  • Character Sheet Templates: Youtube Tutorial, D&D 5e NPC Stat Block.
  • Gift Cards: Buy a Quest Portal Pro subscription for a friend.
  • Free Claimable Scenario: The Lost Relic, a 5e free scenario ready to play.

Try all these great new features in your Quest Portal app today! Read on to learn more…

There are no mistakes, just happy accidents.

In case you missed the hottest drop this month, Drawing Tools have been added to sessions. You can highlight details, draw tactical plans… even doodle little treasure goblins. Maps and images are now the groups’ canvas with bright colours, shapes and freehand abilities.

But never fear GMs, you can always clear the map of all paint if you can no longer see your important battlemap! Check out what we added by clicking here

Mobile Apps are empowering for gamers to game no matter what.

The Mobile Apps are creeping every closer to the ideal of matching the Web based experience. We practically ran to that idea this month with the updates we implemented.

Fog of War, Grid settings, Drawing Tools and Measuring - they’re all now available with the addition of Session Tools to the Mobile Apps. This update is a huge quality of life improvement for our mobile app.

And for GMs, it takes the app one step closer to being able to fully run a session from the phone. Actually, we’re two steps closer this month - our Dev Team has been going hard, and added the ability to move players between scenes.

Check all this out on our VASTLY improved mobile apps.
For iOS: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/quest-portal-vtt/id1588540503
For Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.questportal.app&pcampaignid=web_share

Say goodbye to the time sink of adding 10's of NPCs by hand

We can barely contain ourselves on this one. For the Quest Portal Pro subscriber in the very near future, welcome to Generate Character Sheet.

Skip the copy and paste hassle of adding NPCs, relax as entire character sheets are born from single sentences, and watch as your beloved warrior-princess dwarven bard springs to digital life with a photo of a years old hand written character sheet covered in doodles and a HP box so thin from repeated erasures it’s practically see through.

Take a sneak peek at the power of the Generate Character Sheet, coming to a Quest Portal Pro subscription near you, real soon! - Click here for a sneak peek.

Got A Secret, Can You Keep It? Swear this one we'll save...

Got a Secret, Can You Keep it? Well now you can. Turn any Universal Sheet Tab into a secret keeping place by clicking the three dots on a tab and clicking Hide, creating a tab that only you and your GM can see.

A hidden tab can be a great way to hide your backstory, loot, conditions and abilities from your fellow players.

It can also be a place for GM and Player to communicate secretly via text (which can be done by both at the same time in the same hidden tab), as well as a great place to drop handout images that are meant only for that player's eyes. Who doesn’t love a good secret?

A Snazzy Tutorial and an NPC Stat block.

All of our Featured Player Character Sheet Templates now feature a Hidden Tab as standard. We also added a huge a time saving NPC Stat Block for D&D 5e users.

For a walk through on Character Sheets, creating Templates, and using a variety of our Notes features, we made a snazzy tutorial video that covers it all. Check it out here.

Take Call of Cthulhu to the offline space when you need it

Play with your character offline with the ability to export your Enhanced Call of Cthulhu 7e character sheet. Click the three dots in the top right of the character sheet, and choose the option “Export to PDF”. It will download to your device as a PDF, using the name of the character sheet. Your character is transposed to a standard paper Call of Cthulhu 7e character sheet.

Available to send via magic (email) or via the more traditional horse (print and send)

If you need a gift for the festive season, a thank you present for the world’s best DM or a want to give a buff to your allies: we got you covered with a Gift Subscription to Quest Portal! You can now purchase a year’s subscription and gift it to a friend.

Head over to the website to give the AI Assistant, Avatar Generator, Library Link and AI Notes for an entire year and make someone’s holiday season with the gift of roleplaying on your favorite VTT!

PLUS! As an introductory offer, get an extra month off if you buy before December 3rd! Head over to https://www.questportal.com/giftcard to take advantage of our introductory offer!

Thorsteinn Mar's D&D adventure is a pleasure to run - and you can this very evening

The Lost Relic of the Frontiers, written by returning author Thorsteinn Mar, is our latest free claimable scenario.

The town of Blueridge is divided after the Loreseeker Scholars uncovered the believed to be lost Dragonheart Stone within the Harrowmoor Mine. This D&D 5e adventure comes with everything you need to run the game, plus the atmospheric maps, images and sounds to set the right adventuring mood!

Real Tales of the Wyrd have more tales coming soon...

Before we leave, we want to share with you the wonderful team of Real Wyrd. They have created a gorgeous system that actively encourages collaborative and narrative storytelling.

Their SRD for Above and Below: Real Tales of the Wyrd is available, for free, on Quest Portal! It’s an urban fantasy and modern-day horror game. Step into the lives of ordinary people drawn into a world of hidden magic and forgotten lore. Investigate strange occurrences, confront terrifying creatures, and uncover the secrets that lie just beneath the surface of reality.

Check out their book Above and Below: Real Tales of the Wyrd SRD in our library and definitely check out their website www.realwyrd.com

Take care of each other this winter, for although the nights are getting cold, it doesn’t mean our hearts are.

Gleðileg jól!

The Quest Portal Team